
Some clergymen have made a practice for years of giving pre-marital counsel to all couples whom they unite, and of keeping in close touch with them afterwards. These men report that the homes so established show an unusually high percentage of success. Their achievement calls for a more extensive effort to safeguard marriage by more light on its physical, mental, social and spiritual relationships. A word given to help young people make their own adjustments is worth more than the efforts of many counselors called in after marriage has drifted into unhappiness. more and more young people are seeking a sound preparation for marriage.

Research studies and much experience have combined to show us that married love based on comradeship, creative use of differences, mutual appreciation, passionate kindness of husband and wife and complete self-giving to each other can preserve the values of the romantic love of courtship and can add new and sturdier values of its own. So the married lovers who help their courtship love grow into the greater maturity of married love will have a marriage that is dependable and that is worth everything to them. Such a marriage also will increase the value of the other fine experiences of life.

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